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St Mary's Catholic Primary School

St Mary's Catholic
Primary School


At St Mary’s keeping the children safe while they learn is our top priority and we would like the school community to have a clear understanding about what we mean by staying safe.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is:

    Mrs J Berry - Headteacher

    Mrs J Measham - Headteacher

Our Alternate Designated  Safeguarding Leads are:

   Mr A Cook - Class Teacher

   Mr G Bentley - SENCO / Class teacher

Our Online Safety lead

   Mr A Cook - Class Teacher

Our Safeguarding and Prevent Governor is:

   Mrs Bull

Our Chair of Governors is:

   Mrs Bull

Early Help

'Early Help' describes the type of early intervention and support that can be provided when a child or young person's needs are not being met by routine comprehensive services, but do not meet the threshold for a specialist service such as Children's Social Care. The Early Help Offer is about working with external and internal partners to help children, young people and families deal with their issues as early as possible; providing information, advice and services at the right time; supporting them to resolve their concerns as needs emerge.

At St Mary's we work hard to support children and families, offering early help by providing support as soon as a problem emerges. This may include working in partnership with other agencies to ensure the right support is put in place. Our aim is always to ensure an issue does not escalate and children and families are supported in the best ways possible.

Our early help offer is designed to respond to a wide range of issues. This could be from a need which only requires advice or guidance through to a child at immediate risk of harm.

St Mary's Early Help Offer includes:

  • Taking the time to listen to children's worries and concerns
  • Talking the time to listen to families
  • PSHE curriculum
  • Lego therapy
  • ELSA (emotional literacy support assistant)
  • EWO - Educational welfare officer
  • Lunchtime play leaders
  • Peer mentoring scheme
  • Safeguarding protocols and safeguarding trained staff
  • 3 trained DSL's
  • External agency support CISS
  • School nursing team
  • Bespoke learning interventions
  • Inductions sessions for children starting Reception, including, home visits, come and play and story time sessions.
  • Practical support - including second-hand uniform
  • Behaviour policy and school rules
  • Supporting families on a variety of issues and concerns making referrals and accessing funding for vulnerable families
Who might the school refer to? Signposting: agencies the school might suggest as sources of further support
Children and Young People’s Services Citizens Advice Bureau
The In Year Fair Access Panel GPs
Specialist Education Services Occupational Therapists
School Nurse Paediatricians
Speech and Language Therapist Children and Young People’s Services
Educational Psychologist Speech and Language Therapist
Young Carers School Nurse
SENDAT Young Carers
Sendias – formerly known as parent partnership Freedom Project
Educational Welfare Officer Housing Associations
  Food Bank
  Sendias – formerly known as parent partnership
  Children’s Centre
  Children and Adolescent Mental Health Service

Child Missing In Education (CME)

Children missing in education of compulsory school age who are not registered pupils at a school and are not receiving suitable education otherwise than at a school. Children missing education are at a significant risk of underachieving, being victims of harm, exploitation or radicalisation, and becoming NEET (not in education, employment or training) later in life.

IF you suspect hat a child is missing education, please contact the Children Missing Education (CME) team: phone 01473 265224 or email

Key Information

If you would like to find out more please click on the thinkyouknow button and if you would like advice or to report a concern please click on the CEOP button.