Important Dates for Parents
Welcome to our important dates page.
Tuesday 7th January - Children return to school
Thursday 16th January - Beginning of term Mass in Church 9am
Thursday 23rd January - Reception & KS1 Celebration of the Word 9am in school hall
Thursday 23rd January - Yr3 Parish Mass 9.15am in Church
Friday 24th January - Yr5 & Yr6 Class Mass 2.30pm in the school hall
Thursday 30th January - Yr4 Parish Mass 9.15am in Church
Thursday 13th February - Celebration Assembly Years 1, 2 & 3 at 3pm in School - Parents and Carers Welcome
Thursday 14th February - Celebration Assembly Years 4, 5 & 6 at 3pm in School - Parents and Carers Welcome
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half Term
Monday 24th February - Children return to school
Monday 3rd March - Book Week
Thursday 6th March - KS1 Celebration of the Word Lenten Service 9am in school hall
Thursday 6th March - Yr5 Parish Mass 9.15am in Church
Friday 14th March - Yr3 & Yr4 Class Mass 2.30pm in the school hall
Tuesday 18th March - Parents Evening - Times TBC
Thursday 20th March - Parents Evening - Times TBC
Thursday 20th March - Yr6 Parish Mass 9.15am in Church
Friday 4th April - Easter Celebration of the Word at 9am in Church
Friday 4th April - Last day of Term