Maths Curriculum
"Use honest scales, honest weights, and honest measures. I am the Lord your God, and I brought you out of Egypt." Leviticus 19:36
At St Mary’s, we firmly believe in providing our children with life-long numerical skills; skills that they will need for their everyday lives. We aim to provide our children with the ability to transfer these skills and relate them to real-life problem solving. All staff are willing to promote mathematics across the curriculum to enable our pupils to leave St Mary’s with a belief and confidence that they truly are fluent mathematicians and that it isn’t a ‘scary’ subject. Children will develop a range of skills alongside numerical skills such as: independence, perseverance and curiosity all of which are key skills for life.
Our intent fully incorporates our school drivers of Community, Communication and Whole Child in the following ways:
- Challenging the children during lessons. This will enable all children to achieve their full potential from their own individual starting point.
- Developing individual's self-esteem and confidence. Maths is often the subject where children either feel confident or they do not. We want the children to be confident and feel secure in understanding the key skills in this subject.
- Allowing children to use a wide range of Mathematical tools and equipment.
- Supporting children to use a variety of creative approaches to solving problems
- Children using maths in a range of everyday situations.
At St Mary’s we use the guidance of the White Rose planning and resources to immerse the children in Mathematics. However, we believe that our teachers know the children best and so we do not necessarily work off the timetable given by the White Rose planning.
Teachers are constantly responding to the needs of all the children in their classes through formative and summative assessment and this helps them to deliver lessons that engage the children in mathematical discussions. High quality resources are used from leading mathematical sites such as NRICH, NCETM and White Rose Maths to name a few.
The children have opportunities in all lessons to recap prior mathematical concepts and develop their fluency and reasoning skills.
Children, parents and teachers have access to the times table rockstars app to promote the learning of times tables – a key life skill.
Our impact will be seen in our daily lessons – with teachers adapting these to the needs of the children as a result of the learning that has taken place.
Our impact will be demonstrated by the children themselves and how they talk about maths in their lessons and through the power of regular pupil voice.
Our impact will be evident by the progress made by the children at all of the assessment points throughout the year and how many of our children leave our school with what the government see as an expected standard.
Useful Links
Hamilton Trust (home learning section) Downloadable resource packs with teacher guidance. A week’s worth of resources is provided for each year group.
Nrich A range of activities. Some are interactive and some are to be completed offline. Activities are categorised by age range.
White Rose Maths (home learning) Presentations and downloadable workbooks which are easy to use for parents. New material is being released each week.
Numberblocks Videos for numeracy development designed for children aged 0 to 6. There are fun activities that can be applied to everyday life and play.
Top Marks Ks1 and Ks2 A range of interactive maths games categorised by age group.
Pixl TimesTables All the children have access to the Pixl Times table app with their individual log-ins.